CALLING ALL MATH ENTHUSIASTS! Do you like friendly competition? Do you like having fun with your friends? Are you in Grade 9 or under? If you said yes to any of these questions, Math Attack Society has the event for you! We are hosting our annual Team Math Attack Contest on December 9th, 2023! This event will be held in person in four cities: Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, and Vancouver. The event registration is in teams of 3, so make sure to grab two of your friends to come with you! Or, if you don’t have people you would like to be in a team with, you can register and we will do our best to pair you with a team that you’ll have a great experience with! REMEMBER ALL TEAMMATES MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY! The format of the contest will be as follows: Part A will be a team contest that will feature 20 numerical response questions that you will be given 1 hour to complete as a team. These questions will be of varying difficulty. Part B will be a relay contest that will consist of 5 rounds with 3 questions each. The questions will be answered in succession, by a different teammate for each of the three questions. If this sounds like fun for you and your friends, register for your city here: or you can find our important links here:
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us!
Instagram: @mathattacksociety Website:
Discord server:
Math Attack竞赛,卓越数学教育/高品质的奥数学习,顶尖大学不是梦! 亲爱的家长和孩子们,数学是一门令人着迷的学科,它不仅充满了奇妙的发现,还能开启通向成功的大门。Math Attack Society诚邀您的孩子参加我们年度的数学竞赛。此次机会将有助于他们提高成绩、在竞赛中脱颖而出,并为未来的大学道路铺平道路。Math Attack数学竞赛不仅能帮助孩子们深入理解数学概念,还能提高他们的数学成绩。我们的题目模拟了各地数学竞赛的多样性和复杂性,能够充分提升孩子们的逻辑思维和问题解决能力。 在人类思维的广袤领域中,数学犹如一颗耀眼的明星,闪烁着独特的光芒,吸引着所有寻求智慧和美的灵魂。数学之美,它并非藏匿在遥远宇宙的星辰之间,而是嵌入了我们生活的方方面面。它是对称的、和谐的、简洁的,有时充满了奇异的美。数学之美,既是一种理性的美,也应是一种艺术美,它遵循着艺术美的一般规律,如一幅抽象的油画,如一首优美的交响乐曲,如一座宏伟的建筑,如大自然的神奇之处。Math Attack Society承诺为孩子们提供一个独特的机会,通过参与充满乐趣的数学竞赛,激发他们对数学的兴趣,提升他们的成绩,并拓展他们的思维。 我们将于2023年12月9日举办我们的年度 Team Math Attack 竞赛!此次活动将在卡尔加里、埃德蒙顿、莱斯布里奇和温哥华四个城市举行。 比赛以三人为一组。 孩子们可以自己组队也可以让我们来组队 !!!!!每个人都得单独报名!!!!! 比赛的格式如下: 第一部分将是一个团队竞赛,二十道难度不一的题,每组有一个小时的时间。 第二部分将是一个接力竞赛,总共五轮,每轮三道难度不一的题,每一轮将由不同的队员依次回答。(主拼速度) 报名链接如下: 如果您有任何问题,请随时联系我们!